이것이 전쟁이다!

126 l Ⅴ. The City as the Marines entered the southwestern flank of the city. After a night-long battle of beating off Communist counterattacks, they had slipped down from their hill, crossed the Seoul-Mukden railroad tracks and were feeling their way deep into the heart of the enemy-held capital. At first they were greeted only by deserted streets, then, magically, the streets were lined with cheering civilians who waved and clapped their hands and shouted, “Mansei! Mansei!” which the advancing men took for friendly greetings—and they were right. They also knew, as they had learned in the south, that civilian-filled streets were good omens . . . the empty ones spelled trouble—and the waiting enemy. Radio contact with their headquarters assured them that the other Marines of their battalion were advancing at their flanks, but because of terrain were echeloned to the rear. The radio also told them that the rest of the 1st Marine Division was swinging in behind them prior to veering north for its drive across the business section and the government buildings beyond, and that forward elements of the Army’s 7th Division were preparing to cross the Han near its famous triple, but now broken bridges, to the south. Yet, for all the news of support-in-strength promised by the radio, it was a lonely, killer-world into which the men were moving. By midmorning, scouts and ABLE Company, 1st Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment had penetrated through the residential district of their quarter of the city. Casualties were light. Instead of growing confident, and careless, Captain Bob Barrow, Company Commander, became all the more wary. His patrol cut through backyards and across garden walls, avoiding entirely every well-traveled route of approach. Repeated calls for tank support brought the disturbing answer that the big Pershings had been delayed at the river crossing. Just before noon Barrow’s Marines found themselves high on the saddleback running through the western edge of the city. Well-built stucco-and-tile homes blanketed the area. The ground in front fell rapidly away to the freightyards of Seoul’s main railroad terminal. The business and governmental districts sprawled around the base of This is War!