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The Netherlands first dispatched the destroyer HNLMS Evertsen stationed in Indonesia. As Dutch citizens and media strongly demanded to send ground forces, the Netherlands additionally sent a battalion of 646 soldiers. Australia sent the Army, Navy, and Air Force to assist the Korean War at every corner. The Australian Navy performed various missions such as escorting war supply transport ships from Japan to Korea, sea patrol, blockade, and guerilla unit landing support. The Air Force conducted bomber cover, patrol missions, aerial combats, and bombing. The Army started to participate in campaign when the UN Forces began to march North. The Australian Army dispatch demonstrated excellent combat capabilities during the Battle of Sariwon, Battle of Yeongyu, Battle of Bagcheon, and Battle of Gapyeong. The Australian Forces showed a firm belief to protect freedom and justice, making continuous efforts to stabilize the front line even after the war ended until they withdrew completely in 1956. Australia _ Arrived in Korea on July 1, 1950 Netherlands _ Arrived in Korea on July 19, 1950 Peninsula, including the Battle of Nakdong River Defense Line, Battle of Seolma-ri, Battle of Seongju, and Battle of Gapyeong. After the signing of the armistice agreement in July 1953, the UK continued to mount guards over the Military Demarcation Line until complete withdrawal between 1954 and 1957. 186 l Appendix This is War!