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vessels. New Zealand engaged in the cover of transport ships, removal of mines, and gunfire support for ground forces by alternately sending eight vessels. Later, New Zealand sent an artillery corps of 1,000 soldiers named the Korean Force (Kayforce). The Korean Force was assigned to the 27th Brigade of the UK Army and provided fire support in the Battle of Maryangsan, Jamestown Line Defense Strategy, and Battle of Gapyeong. After the armistice agreement, the New Zealand Navy returned home in 1954, and the Army returned in 1955. _ Arrived in Korea on July 30, 1950 Regarding the Korean War, France only sent a naval vessel initially and had an indifferent stance about sending ground troops because of its military situation. As the public sentiment to participate in the war grew, France recognized the need to establish a collective security system as a permanent member of the UN Security Council and sent an additional infantry battalion solely comprising volunteer soldiers. The French infantry battalion had many experiences soldiers that came from the Marine Corps, airborne troops and foreign legions. They showed the courage and strength of French soldiers in numerous battlefields, including the Battle of the Twin Tunnels in Wonju, Battle of Heartbreak Ridge, and Battle of Arrowhead Hill. Especially, the French Army defended its position with the U.S. Army during the Battle of Jipyeong-ri against the offensive of the Chinese troops France _ Arrived in Korea on July 29, 1950 This is War! 188 l Appendix