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The Greek Army also organized as a transport unit to support the Battle of Chosin Reservoir, evacuate fallen soldiers, and transport troops and supplies. The Greek Army made additional efforts to prevent war after the armistice agreement and withdrew sequentially starting in 1955. Belgium did not have a standing army to sent to Korea immediately but selected about 700 soldiers among 2,000 volunteers to form the 1st Belgian Battalion. After arriving in Korea in January 1951, the Belgian Battalion underwent adaptive training and guard missions before going into battles in full scale. The Belgian Army fully demonstrated its professional tactics in many battles by securing retreat routes for allies while blocking the Chinese troops for two days in the Battle of Geumgulsan. Following the armistice agreement, the Belgian Army carried out guard missions in Gimhwa until they returned home in 1955. Belgium _ Arrived in Korea on January 31, 1951 Luxemburg was in an awkward situation to send troops because it only had a population of about 200,000. Nevertheless Luxemburg participated in the Korean War as a platoon that belonged to the Belgian Battalion by negotiating with the Belgian government in advance. The Luxemburg Platoon fought ferociously in the Battle of Geumgulsan, Battle of Haktang-ri, and Battle of Jatgol with the Belgian Battalion during the Korean War, showing its strong will to protect freedom. Luxemburg _ Arrived in Korea on January 31, 1951 This is War! 192 l Appendix