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2층 시설안내 사진
  • UN참전기념실 사진

    UN Allied Nations Room

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  • UN국제평화실 사진

    UN International Peace Room

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  • 추모공간 사진

    Memorial space

    · Exit of the UN Allied Nations Room
    · A memorial space to honor the UN forces who lost their lives while defending liberty and peace on the Korean Peninsula.

  • 제2기획전시실

    Special Exhibition Room2

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  • UNPM평화센터
세계시민교육실 사진

    UNPM Peace Center Global Citizenship Education Room

    · Location of the Busan branch of the UNESCO APCEIU, which provides global citizenship education programs.

  • UNPM평화센터
모의총회실 사진

    UNPM Peace Center Model United Nations Room

    · An education space where participants become heads of states and experience the UN General Assembly.

  • 명예의전당 사진

    Hall of Fame

    · A place that honors individuals and institutions which have donated artifacts.

  • 시발자동차 사진

    First automobile, Si-bal

    · The first vehicle produced in Korea from the drum of a Willis MB jeep that American forces used after the Korean War.

  • 윌리스 MB지프 사진

    Willis MB jeep

    · A real jeep that American forces drove under fire during the Korean War.

  • 카페 6・25 사진


  • un키즈존

    UN Kids Zone

    · A play-based learning area for enjoying reading, playing with building blocks, board games, etc. for children and family visitors