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외부 시설안내 사진
  • 공존의 광장 사진

    Square of Coexistence

    Location: Outdoor space 1F

  • Human-Space-Peace 사진


    Location:To the right of the Plaza of Coexistence, 1F
    Information:An image racing toward peace: The image of the Memorial Hall is made up of shapes that express the softness of space and melody, symbolizing peace.

  • 피스로드 사진

    Peace Road

    Location:To the left of the Plaza of Coexistence 1F, via the wooden deck
    Information:A road on which visitors can feel and see the landscape of the Memorial Hall.

  • 옥외 주차장 사진

    Outdoor parking lots

    Location: In front of the outdoor stairs on 3F
    Operating hours: 10:00 - 18:00
    Parking fee: Free
    Operating notice: 49 vehicles can be accommodated.